EBP Summative Exam
Questions with answers
Part 1
1- The following medical word is made of many affixes = (suffixes + prefixes).
On the light of what you have studied, devide it into its smallest parts and try to guess the meaning of each affixe , then combine them all to find the meaning of the whole word.
ü Pneumono: Relating to the lungs or air.
ü Ultra: Beyond or extreme.
ü Micro: Small.
ü Scopic: Relating to viewing or observing.
ü Silico: Refers to silica (a component of sand and glass).
ü Volcano: Relating to volcanic materials.
ü Coni: Dust.
ü Osis: A condition or disease.
A lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica or quartz dust, often from volcanic activity.
Part ii
2- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word mostly reffering to human body organs :
1-The term
integument is commonly used to describe the body covering of any animal. |
2- The stomach is one of the major organs of the digestive system.
3- The spongy organs, that occupy a large portion of the chest cavity are lungs
4- the human intestine consists of three sections.
3- Answer briefly the following questions :
1-Give an example of a medical desease formed by Eponyms :
Parkinson’s Disease (named after Dr. James Parkinson)
2- What is the difference between an accronym and abbreviation ?
ü Acronym: A word formed from the initial letters of a series of words and pronounced as a single term (e.g., AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
ü Abbreviation: A shortened form of a word or phrase, not necessarily forming a new word (e.g., Dr. for Doctor).